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The Norfolk & Portsmouth Bar Association could not accomplish its work without the aid of various committees. The following is a list of committees and their responsibilities.

  • Bench Bar Conference

Wilfredo Bonilla, Chair

Positions Open for 2024-2025: Co-Chair, Committee Members

Plans and executes programming and sponsorships for the Bench Bar Conference each April.

  • Continuing Legal Education

Kerry Stolz, Chair

Positions Open for 2024-2025: Co-Chair, Committee Members

Plans and executes the many CLE seminars offered throughout the year. Develops topics, identifies instructors and coordinates seminar details.

  • Mock Trial

Wayne Williams, Chair

Positions Open for 2024-2025: Committee Members

Coordinates annual Mock Trial Program with Norfolk Public Schools. Solicits and organizes attorney volunteers to coach middle school teams for trial competition. Recruits judicial participation. Management and orchestration of competition. Creates rules and curriculum along with the mock trial case and evidence for the Program. Trains teachers and attorney volunteers to manage expectations.

  • Pro Bono

Tricia Batson, Chair

Positions Open for 2024-2025: Committee Members

The Pro Bono Committee works closely with Legal Aid Society of Eastern Virginia to:

(1) sponsor programs designed to raise awareness of an attorney's obligation to provide pro bono services,

(2) identify pro bono opportunities for members,

(3) coordinate through the CLE Committee programs specifically designed for training lawyers to perform pro bono services, and

(4) foster and support a culture of pro bono among NPBA members.

  • Professionalism

Kellam Parks, Chair

Positions Open for 2024-2025: Committee Members

Makes recommendations to the Executive Committee for selection of the Eggleston/I’Anson  Professionalism Award, Hoffman Community Service Award and Liberty Bell Award. Available to address professionalism issues as they arise.

  • Program

Kate Lennon, Chair

Positions Open for 2024-2025: Co-Chair, Committee Members

Assists the Association President with speakers and programs for luncheon meetings of the Association. Contacts speakers and corresponds with speakers before and after the event. 

If you are interested in serving on one of these committees,

please complete the Committee Application below.